Success Story: Linda Blazer
June 17, 2022
All of us here at Boyd Nursing and Rehabilitation would like to share the remarkable recovery of one our residents, Mrs. Linda Blazer!
Mrs. Blazer admitted to Boyd Nursing in January of this year after having sustained a severe stroke, leaving her with significant functional limitations, as well as speech and language deficits. Over the last several months, Mrs. Blazer has demonstrated the utmost stamina and determination to regain mobility, her ability to speak, and to eat normal foods again. She did just that with the assistance of our multi-discipline rehab team and the care of our nursing and dietary Care Team members. Linda is now tolerating a regular diet, transferring to a wheelchair, and engaging in social and leisure activities.
Linda said that she wants to continue to regain her independence so that she can cook a home-style meal for her family once again. Congratulations to Linda and her Care Team on their success!