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Success Story: Sara Walker

February 10, 2021

Boyd Nursing and Rehabilitation would like to personally recognize Mrs. Sara Walker as our most recent patient success story. 

Mrs. Walker admitted to Boyd Nursing for rehab in December of 2020 after sustaining a wrist fracture which required surgical repair.  Sara presented to us with a compromised health status as she was experiencing significant balance and mobility deficits, decreased strength, and was requiring extensive assistance with completing self-care activities.  Mrs. Walker, having been a career teacher, took on the role of student as she learned compensatory strategies and adaptive techniques throughout her rehabilitation process, regaining her mobility and ability to perform activities of daily living in order to return to independent living.  After 6 weeks of rehab and nursing care, Sara is now walking over 100 feet with an adaptive device and is able to perform her self-care with CGA. 

With the support of her loving family, Sara is now planning to return home.  Congratulations Mrs. Walker, we are very proud of your progress and happy to have assisted you along the way!

Continue protecting against COVID-19

February 6, 2021

Even as vaccine distribution begin, we each need to do our part of prevent the spread of COVID-19. You should layer steps to help protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

• Wear a mask that covers your mouth AND nose.

• Stay at least 6 feet from people who don’t live with you, and avoid crowds.

• Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.

• Get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is your turn.

Help slow the spread of COVID-19. Learn more: